Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 29th

Authenticity is our natural state of being. The authentic self is a state of being where we are centered, creative, adaptive, and inspired.  ― Henna Inam

Run, run, run — with everything you have — into everything you are meant to be. - Tama Kieves

I cannot believe that we are at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2015.  This year has been adventurous and surprising!  Truly, it is not what I planned and I am happy it is better than I ever imagined.  

At the end of each quarter, I suggest that you review your goals to see how you are progressing.  To assist, here are a few questions to ask yourself about each goal:

  1. Have I already accomplished this goal?
  2. If not, why?
  3. Is this an authentic goal for me?   According to Henna Inam, authenticity is where we are the most inspired and passionate.  When you wrote down the goal, it may have been authentic, inspired and you had complete passion to accomplish it.  However, life happened, changes occurred and you discovered that it no longer is a goal worth moving towards or that it will not help you accomplish your dreams.
  4. Do I still need this goal?
  5. If so with only three months left in 2015, what action steps will I take to accomplish the goal?

Remember that you set goals for yourself and no one else.  They are a guiding path to help you accomplish your dreams.  Along the way, goals may change, dreams may change.  The most important thing is to have direction to help you be the most authentic, amazing person you can be in this world!

Goals determine what you're going to be. - Julius Erving

Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life. - Les Brown

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