Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 8th

If you focus on the possible when you experience difficult situations, YOU CAN positively change your outlook, reduce your stress, and concentrate on achieving things that otherwise may not have been possible. - Catherine Pulsifer

Harvard Business Review recently released a study titled “The Powerful Effect of Noticing Good Things at Work”.  The results of the study show that even though we all go through ups and downs throughout the day, if we will savor the positive events we can change our outcomes.  Harvard suggested that individuals find three (3) good things from a day to focus on.  The study showed that by focusing on positive things an individual’s stress level will be reduced, which will result in fewer headaches and muscle tension. 

With yesterday being the unofficial end of summer, we are returning back to work, kids going back to school, returning to our hectic schedules.  All of these events can be tiring, frustrating and stressful.  Daily take time to find three (3) good things to focus on to help have a more positive perspective on life.  

One of the beautiful scenes from a trip to the coast last year…great memories are definitely something to focus on!


A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path. - Anne Wilson Schaef

Focus your energy on greatness. - David DeNotaris


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