Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 6th

Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. -  Brian Tracy, Author

God will wreck your plans when He sees that your plans are about to wreck you. - Unknown

What a week!  As I write this post, it is Saturday morning and I am on a flight headed back to Austin from a Washington, DC business trip.  While in DC, I had 5 meetings on The Hill and also attended a training with the Republican National Committee (RNC).

Going into this trip, I knew it was not going to be like my other trips.  First, I traveled by myself whereas my boss usually travels with me.  Second before I left, every evening activity I had scheduled was canceled for various reasons.  During the trip, meetings that I thought would be hard were easy and other meetings that I thought would be easy were difficult.  Traffic was crazy with one night taking over 45 minutes to get somewhere meaning that my plans were then canceled.  With Joaquin in the Atlantic Ocean hitting the Bahamas during my trip, the East Coast had torrential downpours of rain and DC was no exception.  As I walked from the Senate to the House, my shoes were soaked.    

Even with all of the craziness of this week, I am looking out the window at 6:45am on the East Coast seeing billowing clouds in all direction knowing that below rain is falling to the earth and there is flooding in some areas.  I also see an amazing sunrise filled with beautiful colors of orange, pink, blue and purple reminding me that there is beauty in every situation. 

For this week, I can say that there were good things.  One night at dinner, I was urged by a waiter to “step out of my box” and try a different dinner entree.  The swordfish with crab meat was amazing!  Another night I finally got to eat sushi, which I had been wanting to do for months.  I had lunch with a friend to catch up and we talked “politics” and the future in DC.  After my nice long taxi cab ride, I ended up walking around Union Station and found amazing chocolate that I enjoyed with a nice glass of wine.  While attending the RNC event, I met many new people to increase my network of political contacts, attended media training to help me improve and learned a lot.   

Through all of this, I learned many things.  First, even though life does not always go as I planned, everything is still good because I am alive, was able to run every day in the hotel gym and ate some amazing chocolate!  Second, find the silver lining in every situation.  Even though I was stuck in DC traffic for over 45 minutes and was not able to attend the event I had planned, I learned to relax, let the cab driver be in control, texted my aunt to catch up and waited for things to happen as they were supposed to.  Third, there is no reason to get upset when things do not go my way.  I could have gotten in a tizzy a number of times with cab drivers because of traffic, but instead I talked with them and was kind.  I learned so much from interacting with them.  I can assure you that this will be a continually process for improvement.  

My challenge to you is to enjoy life, know that things happen for a reason even though we may not understand at the current moment and enjoy life no matter the situation!

It was amazing how you could get so far from where you'd planned, and yet find it was exactly were you needed to be. ― Sarah Dessen, What Happened to Goodbye

The best things are never arrived at in haste. God is in no hurry; His plans are never rushed. ― Michael R. Phillips


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