Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 1st

Stress happens when you try to be something you’re not. We all start off as originals, but too often we end up as carbon copies of somebody else—because we don’t know who we are. – Rick Warren (November 7, 2018)

Your life has purpose.  Your story is important.  Your dreams count.  Your voice matters.  You were born to make an impact. – Unknown (On Wings of Hope)

Balance isn’t fitting everything in.  It’s starting with what’s important and letting the rest fall as it will.  – Erica Layne

Why are you on earth?

On March 30, 1981 at 2:25pm, Ronald Wilson Reagan was leaving the Washington Hilton and John Hinckley shot him under his left arm.  After recovering from surgery and discovering how close the bullet came to hitting his heart, President Reagan told many people including Pope John Paul II that he believed he was spared for a “purpose”.  Reagan soon took actions including passing his tax plan, appointing the first woman to the United States Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor) and had three meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union, which lead to the Berlin Wall falling and victory in the Cold War. 

When I heard this story about President Reagan, it made me think about my own life purpose statement.  Many years ago, I heard Lynette Lewis (lynettelewis.com) talk about how she had created her own life purpose statement and I took the time to create my own.  My statement is six words and talks about what my overall purpose in life is.  It does not talk about any aspect of my profession or personal life, but talks about how I want to treat people.  Cheryl Bachelder highlighted this in her book Dare to Serve by saying that the point of purpose is to determine how you will serve others.

When I go through trials in life when absolutely nothing seems to be going right and frustration, disappointment and confusion set in, I take time to refer back to my life purpose statement to remind myself why I am on this earth.  

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain

Success is … knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others. – John Maxwell

CHALLENGE:  As we embark on 2019, this is a great time to write a life purpose statement or review your life purpose statement and set your 2019 goals based on it.   To learn how to write your own life purpose statement, review Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week from December 8, 2015: https://tuesdaytipoftheweek.blogspot.com/2015/12/terris-tuesday-tip-of-week-december-8th.html.


The Complexity of Purpose, Part 1 & 2 – Andy Stanley - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/andy-stanley-leadership-podcast/id290055666#


Lynette Lewis - How to Know Your Purpose and Live Your Dreams - Thrive Church - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thrive-church-audio-podcast/id605809974?mt=2&i=1000411699868

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