Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 29th

You will never find time for anything.  If you want time, you must make it. – Charles Buxton, English philanthropist, writer and member of Parliament

Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. - Dallas Willard

Comfort is the enemy of progress. – Craig Groeschel

Now that the reader has contemplated a technology detox, it is a great time to start thinking about other ways to be more productive in 2019 to help accomplish goals and still allow time for “magic” in life.  Here are the first 3 productive ideas:


There are two ways to work with time.  Gary Keller (co-founder and Chairman of the Board for Keller Williams Realty) stated in his book The One Thing that people have craziness in life and often have many distractions that prohibit them from accomplishing projects.  Keller suggests that individuals schedule time in their day to accomplish “The One Thing” they NEED to accomplish that day.  He daily sets time to accomplish the one thing he HAS to do and does not allows interruptions to disrupt him from accomplishing his task/project.  When this task/project/activity is complete, he handles all of the other day-to-day tasks.

Another option is “Block Schedule” time throughout the day to accomplish tasks/activities.  In the YouTube video that discussed this idea (link provided in Resources), it referred back to block schedules that students had in high school.  The concept is to determine certain times to complete certain parts of a person’s life such as work tasks for project 9-11am, 12-1pm (which would be a lunch hour) personal errands and then complete activities that relate to that part of the person’s life during that time.


When working, what is the best environment for you to work in?  Some people can be in a coffee shop doing work while other individuals need complete silence to work.  Neither way is wrong because we are all created differently.  What is important is to know how you work best and then implement it to be the most productive!


Listening and reading various books, articles, etc., it is evident that saying “no” to non-goal-oriented tasks can be one the best way for people to accomplish their goals and ultimately their life’s purpose. 

Many leadership podcasts talk about the art of delegation allowing the leader to place a task in the capable hands of someone else, while they work on another activity.  If a leader does not want to delegate the task, they have to decide if it is a task they HAVE to do or is it something that is not necessary in their life anymore. 

CHALLENGE: Which one of the productivity ideas do you think you can incorporate into your life this week?


The "Block Schedule" System - LIFE CHANGING productivity hack! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKuSlstIBM&t=720s

The World's Most Successful People Don't Actually Start Work at 4 a.m. They Wake and Work Whenever the (Heck) They Decide - https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-worlds-most-successful-people-dont-actually-start-work-at-4-am-they-wake-work-whenever-heck-they-decide.html

10 Habits Of Unsuccessful People You Don’t Want To Copy - https://dariusforoux.com/10-habits-of-unsuccessful-people-you-dont-want-to-copy/

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