Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 15th

The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. - John C. Maxwell

People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life. – John Maxwell

Whatever you are be a good one. – Abraham Lincoln

Last week, I talked about the statement that Meghan Markle posted on her website at the beginning of 2016 talking about allowing for “magic” in her life. The magic she received that year was meeting Prince Harry and having a royal wedding in 2018.  I was challenged by this statement because I want magic in 2019, but also want to keep striving for more knowledge.  

Contemplating this, I thought back to John Maxwell’s perspective of the 80/20 Rule, which is also known as the Pareto Principle.  The 80/20 Rule states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of inputs.  John Maxwell knows that he is only good at a few things and does not want to waste his time on things that he cannot do.  He believes that an individual should focus on the things that they are good at and they will not waste time on the things that they are not good at.  This same principle should be used in goal setting.  Set goals that will help you grow and move you toward your dreams and purpose. 

Additionally, it is important to create steps of how to accomplish the goal.  Craig Groeschel calls this “Outcome vs. Income Goals”.  Outcome states what the end goal is and the input goal is the planned action steps to accomplish the goal.  By breaking down the goals into smaller steps, it helps keep focused on goals that you are good at and will move you closer to accomplishing your dreams and allowing time for “magic” to happen.  Additionally, by not having too many goals and focusing on the important things, you will be able to be present when you need to be.  Craig Groeschel said in his leadership podcast on October 5, 2016:

Wherever you are, be all there.

CHALLENGE:  Review the goals created last week.  Do they follow the 80/20 Rule by focusing on your strengths and helping move you closer to accomplishing your dreams?  Revise your goals if needed. 


The Complexity of Purpose, Part 1 & 2 – Andy Stanley - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/andy-stanley-leadership-podcast/id290055666#


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