Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 30th

Your accountability partner keeps you on track and moving forward in all aspects of your development. – Mike Staver

People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. – Zig Ziglar

Accountability: The missing link in achieving your health and fitness goals. – thehumbledhomemaker.com

People who wrote down their goals were 42% more likely to achieve them than the ones who didn't. Telling a friend increases this rate to 78%. - Brian McCormick

As a goal-driven and pretty disciplined individual, I have never had an accountability partner.  I know what my dreams are and work towards accomplishing my goals to achieve my dreams.  However, this year I had a friend ask if I would be interested in being accountability partners and I said yes.  The plan was to meet once to discuss our goals for the year and then weekly we would communicate via email to discuss our progress.   

With it being only a month into the year, I have to say it has taken my drive to accomplish my goals to a whole new level!  For example, I have a goal to cook or bake something every week.  I have gotten away from both activities since I do not have anyone to cook or bake for and need to work on developing my skills again.  Knowing that I will have to give an update to my accountability partner sometime in the week, I am challenged to make sure I am working on this goal as it would be an easy goal to dismiss. 

And by having this goal, I had a first in my life…I was told by a friend that I was not allowed to make Oreo truffles for a while because they were amazing and way too easy to devour all of them! 

Challenge: Would having an accountability partner assist you in accomplishing your 2018 goals?  If so, start thinking about a colleague or friend who you could ask to be your accountability partner. 

Next week, I will give some tips and guidelines on how to set up an accountability partnership.

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