Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 6th

Accountability breeds response-ability. - Stephen Covey

You’ll never accomplish the results you want until you are wiling to do what you don’t necessarily want to do. – Trish Blackwell

Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results. – Beachbody Challenge

According to Wikipedia, an accountability partner “is a person who coaches another person in terms of helping the other person keep a commitment”.  This person will be there to encourage you through this long journey of accomplishing your goals; however, it will still be your responsibility to accomplish your goals and be able to explain “why” if you do not.

Here are some things I have thought about:

1.       Find an individual that will hold you accountable and not allow you to make excuses.  This person should also be able to encourage you when you are discouraged or struggling to accomplish your goals.        

2.       Arrange an initial meeting to discuss goals for the year.  Go in prepared to review your goals with your accountability partner and explain why you established each one.  Explaining your goals to your accountability partner will help them understand why you chose them and why they are important.  For you, explaining them will provide more ownership of why you selected the goals and how they will impact your life.   

3.       Create a reminder to communicate each week.  For me, I created a Task Reminder for each Wednesday to communicate with my accountability partner.  It does not mean that is the day we will email each other, but it starts me thinking about what I might want to ask about or if I have read an article that I might want to forward.  For you, it might work better to set up regular face-to-face meetings or phone calls because the personal interaction will hold you more accountable.  Decide what will be best for both of you.

4.       Honesty…During weekly communications, be honest.  The person you select should be an individual you trust and know that whatever you say will not be repeated.  By being honest, the other person will know what struggles you are having and can either provide recommendations based on their own experiences or encourage you weekly as you find ways to overcome your struggles. 

5.       Reciprocal action…your accountability partner will be there to encourage you in accomplishing your goals, but you will also need to be there to help encourage and motive them to accomplish their goals. 

6.       Remember that your accountability partner may not have the same qualities as you.  Flexibility will be important.

Challenge: Set up a meeting with your accountability partner.


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