Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 7th

Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going.  – Jim Rohn

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, it not an act but a habit. – Aristotle

And the best way to strengthen willpower and give students a leg up, studies indicate, is to make it into a habit. – Charles Duhigg

Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned. – Charles Duhigg

I love reading and learning what successful people do!  For example, Richard Branson says a key to his success is waking up at 5am to exercise.  Mark Cuban reads three hours a day.  Oprah eats healthy and gets her big projects down early.  Each of these individuals have developed their own habits that have helped them become successful.  

Recently, I read an interview/blog post from Gretchen Rubin who has authored many books about habits and happiness.  Here is a portion of the post entitled: “Don’t Fall for the Common Habits Myth that Stops People from Making Successful Change”.

Assay: People often ask me, “Why do we struggle so hard to change our habits–why do we so often fail?

There are a few reasons, but there’s one big one — a popular myth about habits that leads people astray. It makes them accuse themselves of being lazy, self-indulgent, and lacking in will-power. It causes them to fail.

What is this myth? It’s the myth that there’s a magic, one-size-fits-all solution for habit change.

You’re read the headline: “The habits that successful people follow each morning!” “Follow these 3 secret habits of millionaires! “The one habit you must follow if you want to get ahead!” “The five habits of all highly creative people!”

But here’s what I’ve discovered. And you know this, too — because it’s perfectly obvious from looking at the world around us.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. There’s no one “best” habit.

Or rather, there is a one-size-fits-all-solution, which is: Follow the habits that work for you, that help make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

The best version of yourself is all that you need to be. – Martellus Bennett

CHALLENGE: During this time of patience and “preparing your fields, what habits do you need to establish so that you are prepared for your dreams, vision and goals?

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