Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 14th

Action is the foundational key to all success. – Pable Picasso

Get rid of clutter and you may just find it was blocking the door you’ve been looking for. – Katrina Mayer

You're the boss of clutter, not the other way around. ― Monika Kristofferson

Clutter smothers. Simplicity breathes.  - Terri Guillemets, "More room, more thought," 2005

November 2016, December 2016, January 2017…At the end of January, I realized I had three (3) Toastmaster magazines that I had not read.  For three months, I had been moving a pile of clutter around my apartment thinking, “Oh, I’ll get to reading those magazines tomorrow.”  These magazines are probably no more than sixteen (16) pages long that include short articles, quotes, etc.  Instead of reading them, I always found something else to-do that I thought was “more fun”.  

The weekend of January 28th I got frustrated and was determined to read them.  In the coming week, I had something important to me so I focused on clearing the clutter including those Toastmaster magazines!  Determination paid off…I spent two hours going through the pile including 90 minutes reading through the three (3) Toastmaster magazines.  When I went to my event, I had a wonderful time and did not have to worry about any clutter or to-dos at home.  

This is a crazy, ridiculous example, but how many times have you picked up something, thought “Oh, I’ll get to that tomorrow” and put it down again.  And how many times have you picked up the item again, looked at it and then put it down again?             

I continue to work on incorporating the One-Touch Rule into my life, which is simply processing a task the first time I touch it.  For example, when I return to my apartment after retrieving my mail, I go through it immediately.  I throw away the ads and marketing pieces I am not interested in.  I review and file any important information and create a task to read any magazines or newsletters I receive. 

By incorporating the One Touch Rule into my life, I am becoming more efficient and creating more time to work towards my dreams and goals and having fun in life!

CHALLENGE:  Any clutter can cause procrastination and will distract you from “preparing your field” to accomplish your dreams.  Think about how you can incorporate the One-Touch Rule into your life to become more effective.  

To learn more about the One-Touch Rule, read the following articles:

Clear your stuff. Clear your mind. ― Eric M. Riddle, STUFFology 101: Get Your Mind Out of the Clutter 

Clutter is found in so many shapes and sizes. We can find it on our kitchen tables, under our beds, in our cars, and in our heads. - Katrina Mayer, KatrinaMayer.com

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