Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 17th

I have a lot of objects in my space, little things, reminders, memories. - Marc Newson

Remember, today's challenges are tomorrow's testimonies. - Nancy Alcorn, Mercy Moves Mountains: Heart-Gripping Stories of God's Extraordinary Mercy and Grace to Troubled Young Girls

What amazing “milestones” have occurred towards your dreams coming true so far in 2017?  You may think that is a strange question with it only being the third Tuesday of January, but I want to encourage you to look for the “small actions” towards your dreams coming true.  For example, if you are looking to start your own business, what new contact(s) have you made since you wrote down your dream that can assist you?  Or if you are working on losing a few pounds, how much has the scale dropped or what encouraging words have you been told about your new physique?  Every time something happens, no matter how small, write it down as a reminder of your progress!   

You may be wondering, “why should I do this?”  The benefit of writing down the “reminders” toward your dreams is that when everything looks bleak and you are depressed that nothing has happened, you can review them to encourage yourself that something may not be seen at that current moment, but there have been actions/steps toward your dreams coming true at some point. 

I have one particular dream that when I started writing this blog post had not had any progress in quite some time.  I have doubted and questioned it, but I go back to something that I had written down on a piece of paper in 2016 that occurred and that was a reminder that there has been movement on this dream and even though it seems slow in coming I have to stand strong and keep believing it will happen.  As I did that for a number of days in January, I had a breakthrough last Friday.  I continue to have that small 2x3 piece of paper to remind me of the event in 2016 and I have written down the action/event that happened last Friday to continue to encourage me through 2017.

CHALLENGE: Create a list of five (5) events/actions, etc. that have happened in regards to your dreams as “reminders” that progress may be slow, but there has been progress!

Without a struggle, there can be no progress. - Frederick Douglass

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still ahead of everyone who isn't trying. - Tony Robbins

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