Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 10th

At this point, I don’t listen to other people too much.  I’m not really that affected by anyone. – Mose Allison

There will be obstacles.  There will be doubters.  There will be mistakes.  But with hard work, there are no limits. – Michael Phelps

Dreaming big is not for the faint of heart. – amazingmemovement.com

Are you excited about the dreams you wrote down last week?  As I daily review my dreams and goals, I continue to be excited about what is to come in 2017.  It is going to be my best year yet!

I hope you listened to the full segment by Steve Harvey last week (link provided below).  What an amazing story of someone having a dream, being disheartened by a teacher and then Steve Harvey’s father challenging him to daily review his dreams to encourage himself and look where he is today! 
How big are your dreams?  Do you think your friends and family will believe that they are possible?  There are going to be many people that will be negative and naysayers in your life.  They do not have the same thrill and excitement about YOUR DREAMS as you do.  That is why you will accomplish them and they will not!  

Personally, I have learned that it is important to keep my dreams to myself and maybe tell one other person.  And that person will not know every aspect of my dreams.  For me, it is important to have someone that knows my dreams because that individual is a cheerleader and encourages me when I am down.  Additionally, this person is a great sounding-board when something comes up and I have to make a decision.  I can call that person, explain the situation, describe the options I have and receive feedback from my trusted advisor.  In the past, I have told many people what is going on in my life, received feedback and then was confused because I received a different perspective from everyone I talked with.  By keeping my closest advisors to one or two people, it is much easier to have clear feedback and that allows me to make a decision.   

CHALLENGE:  Continue to daily review your 2017 dreams and goals.  When reviewing, say them as positive affirmations….“I am…” or “I will…”  Positive confessions will encourage you and reinforce the positivity in your life when there is no one else to encourage you.  

Additionally, think about one or two individuals that can be your closest advisors.  Look for someone who will listen, be open-minded, non-judgmental and be there for you no matter what.


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