Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 31st

Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you. - John Wooden

We do not remember days, we remember moments. - Cesare Pavese

A year from now you will wish you had started today. - Karen Lamb

Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments. - Rose Kennedy

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. - Tony Robbins

My new life in Washington, DC/Arlington, Virginia is ready to begin and in some ways already has!

Last Tuesday afternoon, I started my 20-hour trek from Austin, Texas, traveling 1300+ miles and arrived in Arlington, Virginia on Thursday afternoon at 4:30pm.  Along the way, I made two overnight stops including seeing my family and an evening in a hotel in Crossville, Tennessee.  Thank God for family that has lived in various parts of the country! 

Being in Virginia for almost five (5) days now, I have started realizing that this move has been in the works for many years.  On Friday night, I went shopping with a friend and as we were walking through the mall that is half a mile from my apartment I realized that I had waited in this mall’s food court for another friend a couple years before.  Knowing the area has definitely helped with this major change in my life.  There is still stress and uncertainty, but it could be a lot worse!

You may be asking yourself, “How did she ever get the idea in her head to make such a drastic move?”  As I said last week, I had no intention of moving from Texas in February 2015.  However, I believe that certain people come into our lives for certain reasons or periods of time.  On March 10, 2015, I met a retired F-15 fighter pilot.  He heavily pursued me and we ended up talking for a while at the National Press Club where we met.  He asked me, “So when are you moving to DC?”  I literally laughed at him and in my sassy Texas way said, “I am a Texas lady and I do not plan on moving!”  Four hours later at dinner, I told him that I had thought about his question and thought my company would work with me if I decided to relocate to DC so I was open to the idea.  In June when I saw him again, he asked my move plan and I told him my idea.  The extraction from Texas was targeted for June 1st and I accomplished it a little earlier than I had originally envisioned!  He was a fun guy to go out with and made me laugh.  He will always be a friend and I will remember him as the one who challenged me and opened my thinking to making a major change in my life!

CHALLENGE: What memorable moments changed your life?  Are there still some actions or steps you need to complete? 

I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance. – Unknown

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