Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 24th - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

When a dream is fulfilled, it shouldn’t become a straitjacket, constricting a person’s evolution and progress. Instead, it should be a stepping-stone to the next thing…” ― Jai Pausch, Dream New Dreams: Reimagining My Life After Loss

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. - Muhammad Ali

What do you do when you accomplish all of your dreams in Texas?  You move to Virginia!  Today, I am officially announcing that it is 3pm in Austin, Texas and I am starting my twenty-three (23) hour drive to Arlington, Virginia/Washington, DC.  There will be a few stops along the way and I will officially arrive Thursday afternoon.  I did not make this decision lightly.  I pondered and prayed for over a year and sought wise council.  After making the decision, everything has literally fallen in to place. 
Everyone who knows me has not been surprised by this decision.  Going to Washington, DC opens up many new opportunities and provides great growth potential.  I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I have had in Texas because they have definitely been the stepping-stones that Jai Pausch was referring to in his quote above. 
Ten (10) years ago when I moved back to Texas, this would never have crossed my mind as a possibility.  Actually, this would not have been an option in February 2015, but various things have happened that have helped me grow and develop even stronger as an individual to take this courageous risk for the next step in my life. 
In the coming weeks, I will talk about the events, people, etc. that helped challenge me and make this decision.  I have learned that the trials, tribulations, struggles and events that I have gone through have prepared me for this step and to help influence others. 
I am truly excited about this new adventure.  I hope you continue to read the blog as I will keep everyone updated about what I learn along the way.


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