Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 7th

Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on what we’re waiting for… - Charles Stanley

And sure enough even waiting will end…if you can just wait long enough. – William Faulkner

Patience is not about how long one can wait, but how well one behaves while waiting. – thatonerule: #1170

The day I left Austin, I had lunch with a friend I had not seen in about six months.  During our conversation, I gave her the “low down” on the move, my new apartment, etc.  She sat there amazed and said, “I remember you telling me this was what you wanted to do a year ago.  You even said it was going to be June 1st.  WOW!”  

The seed of this dream was planted in my life by a chance encounter and I then had to have patience for it to come to fruition.  For me, I was not going to step out without a lot of prayer, seeking wisdom and having a game plan.  Additionally, I recently realized that a year ago I was not ready to make this move.  The waiting period was a time for me to accomplish certain dreams and goals I had in Texas and to be molded into a stronger lady that could make this move on her own and be strong enough to power through.  This waiting period was very beneficial for me and for an often impatient person to say that you can rest assured that I learned a lot during this waiting period!

Recently, this quote from Malcolm S. Forbes put the waiting period in perspective for me: 

Challenge: We all have to be patient for certain things in our lives to occur.  Just remember that during those waiting periods you are becoming a DIAMOND!


  1. Woah. Exactly what I needed to read this morning!

  2. This is so good!! Paris and I are so excited for you!!!! Blessings and favor!
