Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 14th

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much. - Blaise Pascal

You create your opportunities. - yahoo.com

ALWAYS be kind to others....you never know when you'll need a favor. – Unknown

Everyone in this world is somehow connected. So why not just be nice to everybody. - Richard Simmons

Last Tuesday, I added beautiful sunrise pictures to Facebook and updated my new location.  Wednesday morning, I had an IM (Instant Message) on Facebook from someone I knew two years ago stating he saw that I now lived in the DC area and invited me to a conference he was organizing for the weekend.  When I read his message, I was so excited and overwhelmed with joy.  Calming down, I responded yes to his invite and asked what I needed to do to register.  This individual provided me with a free VIP pass to the event allowing me to attend all speaking events, receptions, dinners, etc. 

This event was any political junkies “heaven” because I got to hear various speakers such as the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Penny Nance, etc.  Furthermore, I attended events in the Capitol and networked galore. 

For someone who just moved to a new area, this was a blessing to have this experience and meet tons of new people.  What amazed me is that this individual and I were not good friends, but I was friendly and kind to him.   

Challenge: We all meet people daily and we never know how someone could affect our lives.  It does not cost anything to be nice to someone.  Create the habit of being kind to everyone…you never know how they may affect your life or how you will affect theirs!

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and myself:

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