Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 5th

Change is inevitable.  Progress is Optional. – Tony Robbins

Your life does not get by chance, it gets better by change. – Jim Rohn

If you have been reading this blog very long, you know that I love to run and I think A LOT while I run!  Over the last couple of weeks during my runs, I have been pondering what April represents.  Ten years ago this month, I made a life altering decision and moved from Michigan back to Austin, Texas.  When I took that step, I was a shy female with low confidence and low self-esteem that had been hurt numerous times.  Little did anyone know or could have guessed that ten years later I would be the Government Relations Manager for a Research and Development firm in Austin, Texas and travel to Washington, DC to talk about legislations with Congressional leaders.  I have become a strong, confident, independent and the guys at the office often call me “SASSY” lady.  Anyone in my family can name at least one grandparent maybe even two that I remind them of because of my awesome sassiness!  

The journey to get here has not been easy and I often still question myself when I am told I am too “sassy”.  What I finally learned is that each individual on this Earth is wonderfully made to accomplish their purpose in this life.  For me to go to Capitol Hill and talk with Legislators, I cannot be that shy, low self-esteem female I was 10 years ago.  I have to respect Congressional Leader’s position of authority and their opinions, but I have to be strong and confident to explain why laws need to change.    

When I think of how I am unique and wonderfully made even though I am different from other people, a great example is my sister.  I love her and would do anything for her.  We are similar, but we are also different.  We both like to have clean homes and live a simplistic live.  However, we are different in our clothing styles, home décor perspectives, etc.  She loves the Livestock Show, turquoise, fashion jewelry and living in downtown Fort Worth.  I love politics, purple, diamonds, roses and running.  Neither one is wrong.  We are just both uniquely made to fulfill our purposes on this Earth.    

CHALLENGE: This week, think about who you are.  This is not a job title or family title (mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle).  What makes you?  What are your likes and dislikes?  Do the people you associate with like the same things or not?  It is great if they do not because iron sharpens iron.  However, do you respect their interest and allow them to be who they are?   Just some food for thought this week…

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