Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 29th

You know a dream is like a river, ever changin' as it flows. And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes. - Unknown quotes

It is the end of the first quarter and it is time to review our dreams and goals.  How are you progressing in 2016? 

As I took time to review my dreams and goals, I was able to mark off the completion of the Senatorial District 14 Convention.  Reviewing my reading and running goals, I am on target to surpass my goals in those areas again this year.  During the last couple of weeks, I have been working on my action steps to accomplish other goals and at the right time they will be accomplished!

When I saw that I had accomplished certain goals, I took time to enjoy the “accomplishment”.  Often times, I check it off and move on.  This time, I enjoyed the accomplishment and moved the completed items to my “ACCOMPLISHED” wall!

However, I found one dream that I am not in control of and I had set my sights on one thing, but recently discovered I may have had the “wrong” dream.  When I discovered this, what did I do?  I could have thought this whole “dreams and goals” thing was a myth, but I did not.  I remembered: 

  • George Washington lost two-thirds of the battles he fought, but won the most important battle he fought…the Revolutionary War.  
  • Babe Ruth hit 713 home runs, but also struck out 1,330 times.  

These successful men had grit, determination and kept pushing forward.  I decided to do the same and simply redefined my dream.  I took time to ponder, think and pray about this dream.  I realized that I had been working toward something which was good, but there may be something even better that I had not yet discovered or realized until recently.  I redefined my dream! 

Stephen Colbert provided a great explanation about how our dreams and goals can change during his 2011 Northwest University’s Commencement Address:

Thankfully, dreams can change.  If we’d all stuck with our first dream, the world would be overrun with cowboys and princesses.  So whatever your dream is right now, if you don’t achieve it, you haven’t failed, and you’re not some loser. 

Challenge: Review your dreams and goals.  How are you doing?  Should you change your perspective on something to move toward something better for you?  Is there something you need to change to help you accomplish a goal by the end of 2016?  


Sometimes things that happen in life are not part of your plan. But when that happens, don't give up on your dreams! Just find another way to reach them. - Rashida Rowe

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