Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 22nd

Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. - Drake

Over the weekend, I chaired the Senatorial District 14 Convention in Travis County.  This amazing opportunity started over two and half years ago when I took on the responsibility of running the 2014 Senatorial District 14 Convention.  At that time, I said to chair the 2016 Convention, I wanted to chair the 2014 Convention to learn the process and develop my leadership skills.  Little did I know how important and what a MAJOR responsibility the 2016 Convention would be with the unique political situation our country currently is dealing with.  

As I have been organizing the Convention over the last six months, I have had challenges, implemented new ideas, respectfully stood strong in my decisions when people disagreed with me, and confronted individuals when they were insubordinate and did not respect my authority. 

Recently, I was reading a devotional and was reminded that we are all on this Earth for a specific purpose and we should not compare ourselves to others.  I have talked about this before in the blog, but I believe it is something that I want to reinforce today as I was reminded about it.  I often get frustrated that I am not married with kids.  However, I told my mom a couple times over the last three months that I was grateful that I was not because it would have been very difficult to have my full time job including traveling to DC in the middle of February plus organizing and chairing the Convention and then fly back to DC the Sunday after the Convention for work again if I had a family.  I am fulfilling the purpose and mission that I have for such a time as this. 

Saturday morning as I was driving to the Convention, I was talking with my mom and we were discussing how calm I was even though there had been issues Friday night with one of my committees and that I was content and happy with this time in my life.  In contrast, two years ago I hyper-ventilated on the way to the Convention due to fear, nerves, etc. Saturday night, she was still at her Convention in Tarrant County (Arlington, Texas area) and texted me asking, “Did you have fun?”  My response was simply, “YES!”  

Over the last two and a half years, I have grown, developed, matured, learned and prepared for my purpose on Saturday March 19th, which was to chair the Convention, and BEYOND.  Never think that what you are going through is not important and will never help you accomplish your dreams.  I know that if I had not gone through some of the trials and tribulations of the last two years that I would not have been the strong leader I needed to be to accomplish the task I took on. 


Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. Greg Anderson

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