Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 29th

Authenticity is our natural state of being. The authentic self is a state of being where we are centered, creative, adaptive, and inspired.  ― Henna Inam

Run, run, run — with everything you have — into everything you are meant to be. - Tama Kieves

I cannot believe that we are at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2015.  This year has been adventurous and surprising!  Truly, it is not what I planned and I am happy it is better than I ever imagined.  

At the end of each quarter, I suggest that you review your goals to see how you are progressing.  To assist, here are a few questions to ask yourself about each goal:

  1. Have I already accomplished this goal?
  2. If not, why?
  3. Is this an authentic goal for me?   According to Henna Inam, authenticity is where we are the most inspired and passionate.  When you wrote down the goal, it may have been authentic, inspired and you had complete passion to accomplish it.  However, life happened, changes occurred and you discovered that it no longer is a goal worth moving towards or that it will not help you accomplish your dreams.
  4. Do I still need this goal?
  5. If so with only three months left in 2015, what action steps will I take to accomplish the goal?

Remember that you set goals for yourself and no one else.  They are a guiding path to help you accomplish your dreams.  Along the way, goals may change, dreams may change.  The most important thing is to have direction to help you be the most authentic, amazing person you can be in this world!

Goals determine what you're going to be. - Julius Erving

Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life. - Les Brown

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 22nd

Don’t trade in your authenticity for approval.

It is impossible to be authentic and to do what other people approve of at the same time.  – Teal Scott

Over the last couple of days, I started writing this week’s blog post four (4) different times and was never satisfied with anything I wrote.  While researching, I came across the word “authentic” and pondered it for a couple days.  According to Merriam’s Webster Dictionary, it means “real or genuine; not copied or false; true and accurate; made to be or look just like an original”.

Tonight flipping through the stations, I found the movie Legally Blonde.  The quick synopsis is Elle Woods goes to Harvard Law School to chase the guy she thinks she wants.  She gives up being herself to try to be with someone else.  Through the whole process, she wins a court case and tells the guy she thought she wanted to get lost.  Her authenticity shined through as she overcame all of the obstacles and negative things said about her. 

As I watched this movie, I thought about my life over the last ten years and how I have spent them truly finding myself, developing my values and opinions.  Today, I had to be like Elle Woods and could not worry about the approval of others.  When I called someone for support, I told her that it was hard, but the best part was that I could see how much I had grown and that it truly had taken courage to get to this point. 

Have you given in for the approval of others?  Are you authentic or have you changed to please someone else?   If you have, remove yourself from the situation and have the courage to allow your authenticity to shine through!

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  – e.e. cummings

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 15th

There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them. ― Jo Walton

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. - Bernard Williams

Over the weekend, I went to Aransas Pass, Texas and had the wonderful opportunity to take in amazing sunrises.  Sitting on the back deck of our family friend’s condo, I took time to think and in less than 30 minutes many blog ideas came to me.  I enjoyed watching the clouds move and see the beautiful sun shine through. Oh it was a gorgeous day on the beach!

As many of you know, I am a Type A personality.  I am structured, prepared, goal-oriented, driven and know the direction I am heading.  I can honestly say that when I sat down my first thought was, “The best way to drive a Type A personality crazy is have them sit on a deck and do nothing but enjoy nature”.  It took a little bit, but I loved it!

With my personality, I want to know the outcome.  Recently, I was talking with someone trying to make a decision.  It was not a life “altering decision”, but any decision will have an impact on my life and I do not want to make a mistake.  My friend said, “Terri, I don’t see an issue with you doing this.  Enjoy this!”

Each of us make decisions daily and can question our decisions.  Take time to think through decisions…decide…take risks…ENJOY THE JOURNEY! 

Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. - William Wordsworth

Life is a great sunrise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one. - Vladimir Nabokov