Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 24, 2022

Be aware of what season you are in and give yourself the grace to be there. — Kristen Dalton

Balance should be over the course of your life not just in the immediate time frame. – Kennedy (in Everything Will be Okay podcast)

A few years ago, all the rage was work/life balance.  Balancing life and career is not easy.  There are times when balance just cannot occur because work may need to be the focus or there may be a time when family or something else may need to be the focus.  It is not always easy to make these hard decisions and it is wise to have a perspective on how to handle these times.  

In John Maxwell’s Minute with Maxwell video on balance, he states:

You have to cooperate with the seasons if you are going to get the most out of them. – John Maxwell

The author is the first to say that going through seasons of life is not easy.  She has wanted certain dreams for many, many years and questions why things have not happened as she dreamed.  During those waiting times, she puts her focus on her career.  After her dreams come true and she looks back, the author will know that the focus on her career in the difficult season of her life was the right thing, but it is difficult in the present to understand.  When the author gets frustrated and does not understand why, the author strives to take the advice of the below quote:

Joy is not a season, it’s a way of living. — Kalley Heiligenthal


ACTION: What season of life are you in?  Would you prefer to be in a different season?  How are you handling it?  What can you do differently to help focus and use this time to prepare for your dream even though other dreams may not be happening?





·       A Balancing Act with Kennedy - https://radio.foxnews.com/podcast/everything-will-be-okay/#:~:text=A%20Balancing%20Act,World%C2%A0podcast%2C%C2%A0Kennedy

·        https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-balance-2/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://the-john-maxwell-executive-leadership-podcast-learner-guides.s3.amazonaws.com/Episode+169+Guide+-+Your+Year+End+Leadership+Checkup+Booklet.pdf

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-opportunity/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-timing/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://pastorrick.com/gods-dream-is-for-your-good-and-his-glory/

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-create/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://healingbrave.com/blogs/all/quotes-embracing-seasons-of-life


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