Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 17, 2022

 Who has self-confidence will lead the rest. – Horace

Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. – J.R. Ward

As the author discussed last week, confidence is important to accomplish dreams and we all have to build our confidence if our dreams are going to come true especially if we desire them to happen sooner rather than later. 

Over the career of the author, she has worked in different industries and dealt with many people.  In her current role, she has confidence in many things, but working with one particular individual scared her.  It is not something she has to do often, but she had no choice but to assist this individual for a week.  She had prepared for it, but there was still fear in the author.  On the Monday morning, the author was scared, uncertain of what the week would hold and had butterflies in her stomach.  A couple things happened that first morning and the author handled them smoothly.  As she continued to press forward, she handled each situation as it arose and she survived.  On the last day, the author had to have a direct conversation with the individual to help review materials and she was praised for how the week had gone.  The author overcame her fear and built confidence knowing that when hard things arise to keep pushing forward even when afraid. 

She always played it safe.  But now she was ready to fly.  It was a big, bold dream and she was worth it. – Queenisms


ACTION: What areas or individuals have scared you and paralyzed you from moving forward with your dreams?  How are you going to overcome that fear and build confidence this week?




·       https://the-john-maxwell-executive-leadership-podcast-learner-guides.s3.amazonaws.com/Episode+169+Guide+-+Your+Year+End+Leadership+Checkup+Booklet.pdf

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-opportunity/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-timing/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

·       https://pastorrick.com/gods-dream-is-for-your-good-and-his-glory/

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2022-create/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta

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