Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 6th

 Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now doesn’t mean that you aren’t headed for sunshine. – Anonymous


Every struggle is a reminder of the question “How Bad Do You Want It?” - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/cf/64/76cf64e4efe7dae2ce333329ad831a41--fitness-inspiration-quotes-fitness-quotes.jpg


One last story about the 30-day challenge from the author.  Throughout the 30 days, the author continually heard the statement “How bad do you want it?” in podcasts and CDs she listened to.  Many times, she would have a feeling that she needed to take this quote to heart and hang on to it.  For the author, she wrote it on a piece of paper and placed it on her dream board.  Every day while working during this time of teleworking, the author looked up and saw the quote, which challenged her to keep pushing forward because of her dreams.


The author has tried many times to go without watching television especially during this time of being at home.  One of the 30-day challenges for the author was yet again to not watch anything that she did not learn something from.  For the author, she made it almost all 30 days and only had a couple days at the end of the challenge that were really bad and just sat on her couch and binged watched a couple Hallmark movies. 


As the author has talked about, she is a person that needs to be challenged and reminded how badly she wants her dreams.  Does she want it enough not to watch television and read instead?  Does she want it enough to not watch television and go hang out with friends?  For the author, it is a daily decision she has to make to keep persevering.   


ACTION:  How badly do you want your dreams?  What changes are you willing to make to prepare for your dreams to come true?



·       How Bad Do You Want It – Joel Osteen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9VXPazXesk



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