Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 27th

Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse. - Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)


According to a Harris Group study entitled “Fueling the Experience Economy”, 72% of millennials would rather spend money on experiences than materials things.  Through the years and especially 2020 as the author embarked on her quest for simplicity, she has come to the same conclusion that experiencing life is what she would rather invest in…both time and money.       


As the author discussed last week, her trip to Ocean City, Maryland gave her the opportunity to mark another destination of her travel list and she learned about the Assateague horses.  Here are some additional thoughts from her trip:


Change of environment

When the author left town on Saturday morning, she had been stressing over a decision she made.  In her mind, she knew she could not change it, but was concerned she made the wrong decision.  Indecisiveness is not what the author strives for in her quest for simplicity and she knew she had to overcome the thoughts in her mind.  About an hour and a half into her drive, the author had peace and knew she made the right decision. 


Additionally, changing the environment the author was in provided her the opportunity to clear her mind and start thinking about what she wanted to accomplish in 2021.  Based on the current situation, we have no idea when life will “get back to normal” so we need to start creating our 2021 goals as if we will be in the pandemic lockdown for a while longer.  This time allowed the author to start dreaming about what a successful 2021 will look like. 


Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. -Seneca


A wise man travels to discover himself. -James Russell Lowell



As the author said, the trip was very relaxing and it allowed her to get out of her 800 square foot apartment.  Walking on the beach was wonderful and the author picked up a number of seashells that she is using to decorate her apartment.  She lost a “fight” with the ocean and the waves covered her running shoes a couple times and they were soaked.  The sand that accumulated in her running shoes was brought back to Virginia and is being used to decorate with the seashells.  Laughing at the situation was a great reminder of how laughter provides an outlet and relaxes an individual. 


Laughter is an instant vacation. – Milton Berle


No matter what happens, travel gives you a story to tell. -Jewish Proverb


ACTION:  Fall is here and winter is not far off.  What opportunities can you create for yourself in the coming months to change your environment and relax?






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