Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 13th


The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day. - Henry Ward Beecher


Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it. - Richard Whately


Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.

– Dale Carnegie


80 days and 2020 will be over!  Most people are probably excited to see the end of this year and the author is.  Most people are probably hoping for a different 2021.  The author is.  However, it is important to finish this year strong. 


Like everyone else, the author has had some very challenging times this year and is going through some as she writes this blog post.  Even though we have had hard times this is the time to be resilient.  Finish the year strong and accomplish goals.  This has not been the year anyone probably expected, but we have overcome and will continue to.


As the author had a nice long 3-day weekend, she was reminded of a very simple principle.  Accomplish important tasks first thing in the morning and it will help motivate the individual to accomplish more tasks.  The author needed her down time over the weekend, but also needed to accomplish many tasks.  She did the things she needed to early in the weekend and on Monday pushed herself hard to get all of the tasks on her to-do list completed.  Waking at her normal time, she completed her workout and started the tasks on her to-do list.  As she completed each task, she checked it off her list to-do list and was motivated to get the next thing done.  Starting with 25 things on her task list, the only task left at 11am was to work on this blog post. 


 You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. – George Horace Lorimer


As we are in the home stretch of the year, it is important to remember this basic principle and incorporate into our lives.  Many distractions will come, but it is those with determination that will sleep well each night knowing they accomplished their tasks, goals and dreams.    


ACTION:  How can you incorporate this principle of doing one thing in the morning to help get motivated to accomplish more?




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