Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 29th

Never give up hope. All things are working for your good. One day, you'll look back on everything you've been through and thank God for it. - Germany Kent


As we come to the end of the 30-day challenge, the author was reminded of something valuable during the challenge.  Talking with someone about her 30-day challenges, this person said that the author should not do what she had chosen to do, but focus on something different.  At first, the author was surprised that anyone thought they had a right to say the author was wrong in planning for a future event in her life.  The author contemplated if this person was right and then was reminded of a pregnant woman.  When a woman is pregnant, she prepares and plans for the birth of her child.  The woman may not see the child, but she knows the baby is growing inside her.  In the same way, a dream is birthed in us and we do not see how the dream will come to pass, but daily we must prepare for the dream to come true.


Perseverance means keep pushing. - Lailah Gifty Akita


For the author, she made the decision that she was going to live expectantly for her dreams to come true and not listen to what others said.  She continued on with her challenge.  Even though she did not complete this particular challenge, the author will continue to work on this challenge even after the 30 days are over because she is living expectantly.


ACTION:  Did anyone discourage you from completing one of your challenges?  If so, how did you handle it?  Would you handle it differently next time?




·       https://joycemeyer.org/everydayanswers/ea-teachings/what-to-do-when-youre-waiting-on-god 

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