Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 15th


Growth and comfort never coexist. —Craig Groeschel


Comfort and convenience run the lives of unsuccessful people. – Brian Tracy


Less than 2 weeks ago, the author celebrated her one-year anniversary at her job.  Last year, the author wrote about her unemployment journey and it was not an easy time.  As she thought about her first year, she thought about the journey she has gone through.  Every aspect of this job has been a learning experience.  Starting to working in a completely different industry, the author has often had to think about her dreams and remind herself that this is moving her towards them. 


The author thought back to the time of her unemployment and the lessons she learned.  She was rejected many times for positions in the industry that she had been in for over 15 years.  Being nudged into a different industry has taken her down a different path and pushed her a step closer to accomplishing her dreams. 


A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success. - Bo Bennett


As we continue on our 30-day challenge, this has been a great reminder for the author.  One of the challenges she gave herself was not to be negative.  She defines negativity as seeing the negative side of things and the author’s goal is to always find the sunny side of a situation. 


ACTION:  After reading today’s post, what rejections have you encountered and later realized set you up for success?  How will you implement this idea to stay positive and look at rejection as just another step towards success?





·       I Tried These 30-Day Challenges… here’s my results. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADSZZvbrRVk

·       The Month of “YES” |”You Never Say YES to Anything!” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7doZZlm5SzU

·       Calling Over Comfort – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2YrNnRp2kY

·       http://meaningring.com/2014/07/23/the-law-of-the-rubber-band-by-john-c-maxwell/


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