Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 31st

Until you run out of pages, there's still room to write an epic ending. ― Kevin Ngo

Tomorrow not only do we embark on a new year…we also embark on a new decade! 

As the author was reflecting on the last 10 years, she thought about the many things that have happened in her life.  Each experience she encountered lead her to the next event in her life.  When we look at each experience as the next stepping stone we must confront, we see each experience as an opportunity to move closer to accomplishing our dreams.

Flying back from Texas after visiting her family for the Christmas holidays, the author was reading a book and a thought popped into her mind.  If the Wright brothers had not dreamed and pushed passed the naysayers in life, there may not have been an airplane for her to fly to Texas in.  

Dreaming can be exciting and frustrating.  When a new dream is birthed in our hearts, we often tell other people because we are excited.  Many times, the people we tell about our dream think it will be impossible and often tell us they think it will never happen.  Remember that the dream was not birthed in them.  It was birthed in the reader and the reader is the one that will have to encounter each new experience, develop and grow as he/she moves towards accomplishing the dream. 

If you allow it, people will put their limitations on you. They will try to talk you out of your dreams. One of the best things I've ever learned is people don't determine our destiny, God does. People don't set the limits for our life. They may try to talk you out of it and tell you what you can't do, and I don't think you're that talented. It's because God didn't put the dream in them, he put the dream in you. – Joel Osteen

The author understands the above quote quite well.  She has a dream that she told a few friends about and it has become a joke.  People tell her that it will not happen and that she has to settle for something different.  However, after living through different experiences in 2019, she is determined not to settle and she is going to keep dreaming and believe that her prayers will be answered.  Recently, the author found this quote and it is her motto for 2020:

Why should you continue going after your dreams? Because seeing the look on the faces of the people who said you couldn’t… will be priceless. — Kevin Ngo

CHALLENGE: Take time to reflect on the last decade and evaluate how much you have changed and grown.  Then, dream about what you want the next decade to be like.  Write it down and remember to continually review.  If you tell anyone about your dream(s), make sure it is someone you trust and will encourage you.  Do not tell anyone that will not be supportive and will be a naysayer.  Dream BIG as we start a new decade!


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