Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 17th

The Wright brothers flew through the smoke screen of impossibility. -  Dorothea Brande

If birds can glide for long periods of time, then… why can't I? – Orville Wright

116 years ago today Orville and Wilbur Wright changed the world by gliding through the air like a bird in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 

As the author was talking with friends about where to go for a road trip over Thanksgiving weekend, she had no idea the impact one person’s suggestion would have on her.  The Wright Brothers National Memorial is located in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina about five hours from the author’s apartment.  When the author arrived at the national memorial, she saw an open field with a couple buildings in the middle of it, a boulder, a marble statue in the distance and a building that looked to be the visitor’s center.

Entering the visitor’s center, the author was taken through four years of Wright brother history as they experienced the ups and downs of dreaming to fly.  The author was educated on the Wright brothers’ life story, interesting facts about air flight and saw a replica of the plane that was used by the Wright brothers to make four flights on December 17, 1903 with the last flight traveling 852 feet and lasting 59 seconds.  One dream and one flight changed the world.  

The most impactful part of the visitor center for the author was a placard she saw: 

The Wright brothers accomplished their dream because they thought outside the box, were resilient and believed they could.

At the memorial, the additional features seen by the author were:

·       Buildings reconstructed to show what camp life was like in 1903. 

·       Large boulder was the location where the Wright brothers stood as they attempted the four flights. 

·       Marble statue in the distance was the memorial Congress dedicated in 1932 to this historical event. 

Next week, the author will discuss why this impacted her so much and how she wrote her 2020 goals like Wilbur and Orville Wright would have wanted her to.

CHALLENGE: Like the Wright brothers, how are you looking to change the world?  What goals are you establishing in 2020 to help you accomplish the dream?


1 comment:

  1. Another good one Terri, and always so timely! David Whitehead Jr.
