Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 24th

There is no growth without tension. – Andy Stanley

You can’t grow without something being torn down and built back up. – Andy Stanley

2019 has been a very challenging time for the author based on the experiences she encountered.  She is not complaining, but there are many questions she has about why things happened and she knows the likelihood of ever discovering “why” is very unlikely.

The author enjoys her new job, but it has been challenging because she is an organized individual and she is now working in a somewhat chaotic environment.  Additionally, the author works long hours getting to work very early and often times staying late. 

As the author was thinking about her 2020 goals, her new job, the limited time she has for working on personal goals, she started getting frustrated.  After visiting the Wright Brothers National Memorial, she was challenged to think outside the box and do something different in 2020. 

Most of the readers have probably heard the statement “think outside the box”.  The author has heard it for years and even wrote about it.  However, she was challenged by the placard she read at the visitor center in regards to the Wright brothers and dreams, which helped her in creating her 2020 goals.

Listening to a leadership podcast by Andy Stanley, she heard him ask “When did you learn the most?”  Stanley’s perspective is that we learn the most when we go through a set of circumstances or season of life when we are challenged.  The challenge is difficult and most leaders know those difficulties provide them greater insight, better job skills and greater clarity on the other side of the challenge.  

The author knows this was her situation in 2019.  Through all of the challenges, she developed, grew and learned how to handle situations.  Reading books is helpful, but she knows that having to face life’s challenges taught her more than reading any book.  We learn more in our own experiences then reading about how someone lived through similar experiences. 

You are not going to grow as a leader without new challenges and embracing new opportunities. – Andy Stanley

When writing 2020 goals, focus on thinking outside the box, learning to embrace challenges and taking on new opportunities.  In those experiences, we learn and grow the most. 

CHALLENGE: What new challenges and opportunities are you going to take on in 2020?


Listener Questions Answered – Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast - https://podbay.fm/podcast/290055666/e/1459483201

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