Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week -- January 7, 2020

This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything. - Scott Reed

Intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you. - Andy Andrews

2020 is here and the author is determined to dream bigger than ever!  She wants this decade to be the best of her life.  At the end of 2019 when the author reflected on the previous 10 years, she thought about everything that happened.  The author knows that if that much could happen in the last 10 years she is ecstatic to see what will happen in the next 10 years.

Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. - Bill Gates

2020 GOALS

In the December 17, 2019 and December 24, 2019 Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week, the author talked about how she changed her perspective when writing her goals.  As the author stated, her job keeps her extremely busy and her boss recently told her that 2020 was going to be crazier than the two months they worked together in 2019.  Based on the facts, the author incorporated different goals and put more emphasis on other areas as she will explain below.    

When the author wrote her goals, she focused on the 6 F’s (faith, family, friends, finances, future and fitness) in goal setting like she has for many years now.  Here is an explanation on a few of the author’s goals:

Friends – 2019 taught the author a lot about friendships.  As someone posted on the author’s Facebook page in early 2019, the author desires to focus on doing more acts of kindness for her friends in 2020 to help brighten their days: 

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. - Maya Angelou

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Future – Goals that will help catapult the author toward accomplishing her dreams is where the biggest change came for her.  This year, the author knows she will not have time to read like she has in previous years.  The author desires to continue learning and knows that listening to podcasts and books are more realistic for her to accomplish based on her schedule and is best for her learning style.  Additionally, the author challenged herself to daily track the knowledge she gains by typing in an excel spreadsheet one thing she learned that day.  The author experimented with this in December 2019 and decided that she liked the goal because it forced her to synthesis the information she was hearing and track it.  Also, the author learned that some days she may not have 1 thing she learned that she can type up.  Her goal became on average to learn 1 new thing a day.  Some days she learns more than others.

Lastly, the author created the goal of developing and growing in her job.  The author did not like this goal because it will be very subjective at the end of 2020.  However, the author is daily learning about government, education and leadership.  Each of these topics will help her as she moves closer to accomplishing her dreams. 

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. - Napoleon Hill

It is important to remember that setting goals is crucial in accomplishing dreams and it is also important to consider circumstances the reader foresees encountering in 2020.  We must stretch ourselves when creating goals, but they also must be realistic.  

CHALLENGE: Write your 2020 goals. 

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