Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 21st

I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done. - Lucille Ball

Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. -  Victoria Holt

Don’t regret knowing the people who came into your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad ones give you experience. The worst ones give you lessons and the best people give you memories. - Anonymous

Last week, the author worked very long hours (between 9-10 hours per day) and then went to hang out with friends Monday through Thursday nights.  After working a very long day on Friday, the author ate dinner about 7pm, laid on the couch and was not able to move for an hour or so.  Climbing into bed, she slept 9 hours and then woke up later than her normal time on Saturday and was delayed accomplishing tasks.  For a very organized and goal-oriented individual, this could have been a major setback for the author.  Instead, the author remembered her goals for the year, which include spending time with friends and being present with them.  Additionally, her goals include doing activities with these friends and Thursday night the author experienced Restaurant Week in Washington, D.C.  The author is not a “foodie”, but the friends she was with are and everyone had a great time. 

The author does not regret the crazy week she had and the Saturday she spent on her couch recuperating.  According to a HuffPost article titled “10 Ways to Live Life With No Regrets”, we need to life our lives each day with no regrets knowing that it may be our last.  As the author compared her week to the list of 10 ways to live with no regrets, she discovered that she accomplished a number of the ideas on the list including: follow your dreams, take risks, take life less seriously, be yourself and practice kindness.

Last week could have been considered a bad week because the author did not read to help push her closer to her reading goal and the weekend not relaxing because there were so many tasks to complete.  However, the week was great because the author lived with no regrets, was present with friends, laughed and lived life to the fullest.  

CHALLENGE: How can you live life this week with no regrets?


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