Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 17th

Simply by changing your own behavior, you gain at least some influence over the problem. ― Douglas Stone, Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
The point is this: difficult conversations are almost never about getting the facts right. They are about conflicting perceptions, interpretations, and values. ― Douglas Stone, Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
Last week, I learned a valuable lesson.  I do not like confrontation and I do not know many people that do.  However, I knew that I had to confront a situation because it was preventing me from moving on with my life in a certain area and I had been ruminating about it for almost two and half months.  When I made the phone call to talk to the person, it was not easy.  My nerves were on high alert and I was concerned what the other person’s response would be.  While talking, the person thought everything was ok and I had to express my feelings again.  Once the person realized I was serious and that we really needed to talk about the issue, we quickly set up a time for lunch. 
The outcome was not what I had hoped for; however, I now know the answer and have been able to move on.  I have peace in my life again and am focusing more intently on my dreams and goals.

CHALLENGE: Are there any relationships that are prohibiting you from accomplishing your dreams or goals?  What can you do to help work on those relationships?

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