Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 10th

However long the night, the dawn will break. - African Proverb

90% of life is about remaining calm. - Dr. Chris Feudtner

Life without risk is not worth living. - Chuck Lindbergh, aviator

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. ― Confucius, Confucius: The Analects

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ― Confucius

As an individual who loves to accomplish goals, it is frustrating when roadblocks and struggles come along.  Even during those times, it is important to be consistent and have tenacious perseverance to continue working towards dreams and goals.  Baby birds are a great example to follow.   

When birds are born, they have one small “egg tooth” that they use to start pecking away at the egg shell when they are ready to hatch.  Birds continually peck, peck, peck away at the shell and finally they break through allowing themselves to escape.  Scientists say that birds need to go through the process of pecking away at their shell because it teaches them to persevere as they will need this skill as they go through life. 

I’m not tough.  I’m tenacious. – Padma Lakshmi

CHALLENGE: Continue to peck, peck, peck away at your goals. 



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