Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 8th

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. - Herbert Spencer

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. - Thomas Jefferson

What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action. - Meister Eckhart

Do you like to know the “steps” of how to accomplish a task?  I do!  I like to create actions plans that include the “steps” I will accomplish to complete a task.  In some of my action plans, I have broken down my goals into smaller goals by setting daily or weekly goals to know what actions I need to take regularly to make progress.  After writing Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week for a couple years, I realized I was not challenging or motivating readers to actions.    

Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life? - Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins’ quote above is so true.  In mid-2016, I added the “Challenge” at the end of each blog post to encourage readers to think about what they read and then take ACTION!

In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. - Tony Robbins

CHALLENGE:   What action will you take today towards accomplishing your 2018 goals?

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