Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 29th

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. – Henry Ford

One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by. – Jeanette Walls

I was made for summer days. – Unknown

I love how summer just wraps it’s arms around you like a warm blanket. ― Kellie Elmore

Summertime will soon be upon us and it is a great time to start thinking about how we plan to continue progressing towards our goals even with the craziness and uncertainty in our lives seen in summer.  Now is a great time to create your summer daily routine.  Benjamin Franklin said:

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!

Previously, I have talked about how scheduled I am and how I have everything as a task on my to-do list.  For me, this is the only way I accomplish my daily tasks and there are still days I do not complete everything on my daily plan.  To prepare myself, I created my daily summer to-do list, which includes many of the same tasks that I normally do, but I also revised it because I desire to have more time to spend with friends.  When I revised my list, I contemplated the 3 M’s.

3 M’s for Creating a Summer Routine:

1.       Make it manageable.

2.       Make it reasonable.

3.       Make it fun.

Remember, this plan is all yours so create something that will be best for you. 

CHALLENGE:  Create your summer daily routine.

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