Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 3rd

Never a failure, always a learner.  – Rihanna

If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. – Ignacio Estrada

ü  Did you know that Mary Todd Lincoln conducted some shady accounting while she resided in the White House with the President?  She had a spending problem! 

ü  Did you know that President Woodrow Wilson conducted the first presidential press conference in 1913?

ü  Did you know that each president has a social secretary that plans various public events at the White House daily?

I love to learn and I love to read.  However, I recently discovered podcasts and audio books.  Yes, I know they have been around for a long time, but I was not convinced I could learn from them. 

I tend to be more of an auditory learner because I often repeat words/phrases verbally or silently in my head to grasp a concept, but I still had the mindset that I had to read something to truly learn.  Additionally, as a lady that constantly wants to be doing something just listening to something is hard for me.  I questioned if I would learn from listening to something while doing something else (multitasking).  Research has shown that multitasking is not beneficial and it takes longer to complete the various tasks because going between two tasks actually delays completion and learning. 

My quest to determine if I could do a task and learn from a podcast/audiobook at the same time began.  If I am going to do both tasks, I want to benefit from both of them!  

After researching and my own personal experience, I believe that it depends on the tasks being completed.  For me, I know I can listen to a podcast or an audiobook while running and I will learn.  Running is a habit, very simple for me and it does not compete for any mental resources that I would use to listen to a podcast.  Furthermore, I believe while multitasking (listening to a podcast and doing another task) a learner will grasp broad concepts, but remembering the small intricate details of something such as dates in history will be more difficult. 

CHALLENGE: What new idea or habit can you incorporate into your life before 2017 ends?


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