Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 27th

The benchmark of quality I go for is pretty high.  - Jimmy Page

Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. - Les Brown

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal. – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/198791771028219349
Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods. - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/351421577154640958

It’s that wonderful time to ponder how our 2017 goals are proceeding.  Are you progressing well knowing you will have no issue accomplishing them?  CONGRATULATIONS!  What about those goals that you are not progressing so well on?  Do you know why you are not achieving them?  

If you are not sure why you are not accomplishing a goal, I suggest you start tracking EVERY ACTION you take.  In The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy discusses that tracking choices forces you to become aware of your decisions.  By tracking your progress, you can examine why you are being successful in certain goals and why you are not being successful in other goals.   Once you know what is prohibiting you from accomplishing it, you can make changes to help change the outcome.

What’s simple to do is also simple not to do. – Jim Rohn

Additionally, tracking provides you the opportunity to benchmark your progress of accomplishing your dreams.  According to Thomas Hamilton’s article Why You Can't Afford NOT to Benchmark Your Activity, “In short, benchmarking is the process of obtaining a particular measurement or understanding a certain result of your operation over a period of time and comparing it either to previous measurements or to industry standards”.  In 2014, I saw someone post on Facebook that they had reviewed their running log and had logged over 750 miles.  I was fascinated by this and started tracking my miles and also the books I read.  Over the years, I review my progress and compare year over year how I am doing.  Especially with my reading log, I am able to see my progress in the number of pages and books read, difficulty of the books and the topics I have been interested in.   

CHALLENGE:  What goals do you need to start tracking to help determine the reasons you are not accomplishing them? 

Once you start tracking your goals, turn that into benchmarking and review it when you are feeling discouraged.  Benchmarking will help you see how far you have progressed over the years.  Happy Tracking!

Hardy, Darren. (2010) The Compound Effect. Boston, Massachusetts: First Vanguard Press.

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