Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 28th

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - Les Brown

Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached. - Swami Vivekananda


How are your dreams and goals progressing?

As I daily speak my goals aloud (see blog post from January 3, 2017), I have the opportunity to ponder how I am progressing.  One morning as I was reviewing, I said, “Wow, I definitely did not create a S.M.A.R.T. goal for that idea!”  Looking back, I remember that I was not sure how I was going to learn about this specific topic in 2017 so I simply stated I wanted to do it.  Now I do not recommend this goal setting method because you will not know when you have TRULY accomplished the goal.  However, I was talking to someone the other day and explaining the topic and I can see I have learned about the subject this year.  Going forward in 2017 and the coming years, I will take this experience and will create a S.M.A.R.T. goal to help me focus my attention in the right direction on this topic.

Taking time to reflect on your goals is important because it gives you the opportunity to see how you are advancing and provides guidance on areas you need to refocus your life to help you accomplish your lifelong dreams and goals. 

While doing my quarterly goal review, I actually created a new goal within a goal for myself.  By March 31st, I will be very close to reaching my reading goal for the year.  (Cold, snowy weekends in D.C. have provided me time to sit on the couch under a warm blanket and read!)  As I reviewed the books I have read, I saw that I do read for enjoyment and improvement, but I decided I need to start reading more history and learning about how the country was established.  I am living in an area rich in history and I need to experience many of these locations.  Based on my job and geographical location, I decided to start reading five (5) books a year about our Presidents.  As I have been reading my first presidential book about George Washington, I have learned so much about him and it is helping me understand the development of our country and our history so much better!

Challenge: Take time to write down your goal progression so far in 2017.  Then think about:

  1. What areas do I need to focus on for the second quarter to help me accomplish my 2017 goals?
  2. Are there any changes to my goals that I need to make such as remove a goal because it does not help me focus on the direction 2017 is taking me?
  3. As the first quarter is accomplished, are there any new goals I should think about adding to my list to help me accomplish my dreams?
  4. What habits do I need to continue or remove from my life to help me accomplish my 2017 goals and my lifelong dreams?

Remember that goals are for your benefit to help you ultimately accomplish your dreams.  You can tweak them as your year evolves and new opportunities arise. 

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. - Bo Bennett

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