Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 29th

"I was proud of what I was doing, but I found I was starting to spin my wheels. I realized every single time I put my mind to something, no matter what it was, I got it. I got it fairly and pretty much on my terms." – Jeff Arch

"Dont let anything stand in your way, be the first”. – Jeff Arch

Jeff Arch…have you ever heard of him?  Until recently, neither had I.  Jeff Arch is the screenwriter of “Sleepless in Seattle”, which was the first screenplay he sold.  

At 38 years old, Arch was a father of two teaching high school English and owned a Tae Kwon Do gym.  He had always dreamed of being a screenwriter, but he never went after it.  One night, he was watching television and saw an infomercial about following your dreams.  After thinking about the program, he said:

"I thought, 'What can I tell my children about their dreams if I don't go after mine?' The idea of being a fraud by my own children just drove me crazy. I couldn't handle it. They deserved this."

He made the decision to go after his dreams and in three months he wrote the screenplay for “Sleepless in Seattle” and three months later he sold it.  After selling the screenplay, he started writing for every major movie company.

What do you want to do in 2016?  What is your action plan to do it?  Jeff Arch made the decision to make his dream come true for his children.  What is your motivation?

You make a million decisions that mean nothing, and then one day, you order take-out, and it changes your life. – Annie Reed from Sleepless in Seattle


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