Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 1st

Don’t just meet your goals DESTROY THEM! - http://iheartinspiration.com/quotes/destroy-goals/

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - Confucius

We are 31 days from 2016…WOW!  I truly cannot believe we are this close to a new year.  For me, it has been a great, fast, amazing year and truly not what I imaged.  IT WAS BETTER!!!

With the end of the year fast approaching, it is a great time to review our progress on 2015 goals and start planning for 2016.

When I started thinking about my 2015 goals, I knew that I had accomplished many of them because I had reviewed them regularly and tweaked them quarterly based on my life situations.  Each one of us can plan and set goals, but there is an element of uncertainty in life that we cannot plan for and must prepare ourselves to handle it as life comes along.

How did you do in accomplishing your goals?  For me, there are certain goals that are out of my control and did not happen this year, but I can assure you that certain events did occur this year that got me closer to that ultimate goal and I will continue to have patience in the coming year.  In other areas, I “ran” right past my running goal and perused through my reading goals. 

CONGRATULATIONS on accomplishing the goals you did attain! 

Even with my successes, there were still goals I did not accomplish.  How about you?  Remember there are still 31 days to work on accomplishing the unachieved goals! 

When you sorted through your unattained goals, what conclusions did you come to about why you did not accomplish the goal?  Was the goal out of your control or was it something you just did not do?  If it was something that you just did not do, why?  For me, I can honestly say that the one major goal that I had control over and I did not accomplish was because of fear.  In my mind, I wondered all year “If I do this goal, what will happen?”  Most likely, my life would have been more amazing and it is my fault I did not do it. 

The conundrum now is will I include that goal for 2016 or will I discard it?  For me, the answer is YES!  The goal is not hard, but will take persistence and determination because it is definitely something outside my comfort zone that I believe will make a difference in my life.   
What about you?  Will you take your unfinished 2015 goals and include them in your 2016 goals?  When thinking about this, review the reasons why you did not accomplish it.  Was it something in your control or was there a life change that now indicates that it is not beneficial to have the goal? 

Next week, we will review our life purposes and the main areas to set goals for ourselves.  As you ponder 2015 and start thinking about 2016, plan for it to be an exceedingly more amazing year!  AIM HIGH!!!

Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. - Bo Jackson

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