Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 22nd

A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Sante-Exupery

Set a goal SO BIG that you can’t achieve it until YOU GROW INTO THE PERSON WHO CAN. – Unknown

Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals. - Jim Rohn

How are your 2016 goals coming?  With writing the blog over the last couple of weeks, I have contemplated my 2016 goals A LOT.  I have thought through each of the 6 F’s, deliberated why I set the goals, contemplated if the goals will help me accomplish my 30 year goal and my Life Purpose.  I think too much sometimes!

I have done so much thinking because I know politically the first part of 2016 is going to be insanely crazy with work trips to Washington, DC and various activities with the Primary and Conventions in Texas.  I have to prioritize and focus on the important things.  

The Friday after Thanksgiving, I had coffee with a friend and we were talking about all of the different events going on in both of our lives.  I mentioned to her I was having issues writing my 2016 goals because of the activities and events I know that will be occurring in the first half of 2016 and then the uncertainty in the second half of the year.   She told me, “Terri, set your goals on a quarterly basis.”  What a simple answer, but a great idea!  There are certain goals I know will last all year such as my reading goal and exercise goal.  For other goals that I know will only last for the first half of the year, I can set a completion date, which is part of the SMART goals formula.  For those uncertainties in life, I will have to decide if I will write a goal or reevaluate halfway through the year to add goals or leave as is.  

As you are working on your goals, remember that these are YOUR goals.  I can make recommendations and provide ideas on how to write them, but you are the one that will be implementing an action plan to accomplish them.  These goals are providing you a path to accomplish your long term goals and Life Purpose.  Write these goals with the intent that you will accomplish them, but do not set them to easy because you need the opportunity to stretch yourself in 2016. 
Merry Christmas!

Success doesn’t happen overnight.  Keep your eye on the prize and don’t look back.  – Erin Andrews

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