Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 4th

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. ― Linda Grayson

Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find. - William Shakespeare

Friends…According to dictionary.com, a friend is “a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard” or “a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter”.

Over the years, I have been blessed to have amazing friends.  I have one friend that I met in college and I get the opportunity to see her when I travel to Washington, DC.  We have been through ups and downs together.  Through it all, we have encouraged each other, been a shoulder to cry on and we both have amazing careers. 

Another friend is my “political” friend.  We get together once a month, having interesting debates and it is a judge free zone.  I have to brag on this one.  Recently, we were out on a Friday night at our usual place.  The waiter knows us and laughs when we get into some of our “heated conversations”.  That evening, we were out for four and half hours covering a wide variety of topics.  It was great!  During our conversation, I told her about a recent situation in Washington, DC and how I thought I had made a mistake in a decision I made.  She immediately said “No!  It was an opportunity to learn.  You did and now you are moving on to the next one!”  This individual has helped me grow in so many ways she will never know.  She has a great way of separating out viewpoints and has challenged me to learn to do the same, which is a great asset when you work in politics.    

On Sunday, I was talking with another friend.  As we were discussing different life situations, I stated to her that I can see how much I have grown because a year ago I would have not been able to handle the situation the way I was and she agreed.  

With each of these amazing friends, their friendships have been “defining moments” for me.  I never would have thought I would have some of the friendships I do and I am so blessed.  Each of these friendships have changed me, challenged me and developed me into a stronger individual.  Living life with each of these ladies has been a great inspiration!

These are only a few of the friendships that I am blessed to have.  

As we all continue on our journey to fulfill our purpose, we will all encounter various individuals that will be in our lives for a long period of time or for a short, brief moment.  Each of these individuals will have an impact on you….make those moments “defining moments” and learn from them as much as you can!   

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. ― Aristotle

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