Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 4th

Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last. - Lawrence Welk

Imagine what life would be like if all you could see was the space seen through looking out straw…

Recently, I had the opportunity to rethink my thankfulness.  On the Today Show a couple weeks ago, I heard the story of NBC News Anchor Peter Alexander’s sister, Becky Alexander.  At the age of 13, she was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome Type III, which is a genetic condition that causes hearing and vision loss.  When she received the news, she was depressed, but decided that she was not going to let the illness get her down.  She has become an elite athlete following a fitness regimen including outdoor boot camps, mud runs and teaching spin classes. 

If Becky Alexander can be thankful for her life with what could be considered physical limitations, I can be happy with being exhausted for the “fruitful” (busy) life I currently have. 

As we begin the month of November, it is a great time for us to reflect on everything we have to be thankful for.  No matter what we may going through, we can choose to be thankful.  There are many things that I still wish I had, but I am so blessed with everything I do have that I cannot be ungrateful for the desires of my heart that have not been fulfilled.  Daily, I am thankful for the amazing life I have been given. 

What should you be thankful for today? 

To hear the interview with Peter and Becky Alexander’s interview, click on this link:

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