Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 7th

Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.
 – Napoleon Bonaparte

Last week, the blog discussed why we procrastinate.  This week, here are some tips to help with our procrastinating tendencies.  

Complete Hardest Task During Peak Hours
We all work best at certain times because of our circadian rhythm.  Some people work best in the mornings and others work best in the evenings.  Whenever you work best for your mind and body, work on your hardest project then.  Turn off all interruptions such as televisions, email, Facebook, etc. so that you are completely focused on the task. 

Stop Making Excuses
Since I live alone, I often prioritize other tasks and save the hardest tasks for when I get home.  By procrastinating during my work day, I wear myself out and then do not want to do anything when I get home.  This causes me to not get additional tasks done. 

As ladies, we want to help others and find ways to do “everything”.  The best thing we can do is stop making excuses and focus on what we NEED to do.  A friend recently told me that it is ok to say “No”.

Divide Up Your To-Do List
Create a list of all your tasks and divide them up.  Maybe it will be best for you to divide them up by personal vs. business or tasks you complete in your home vs. tasks you will have to do outside your home.  

For the large projects that need a “little” extra effort, set a time on your calendar during your peak hours to accomplish them.  By setting time aside, you have a time frame to accomplish, which will help you “see a light at the end of the tunnel”. 

Reward Yourself
Once you complete your to-do list, reward yourself.  It could be a nice bowl of ice cream, an amazing cup of chocolate caramel coffee, a nice long relaxing walk or time sitting on the couch reading a good book.  Whatever will motivate you is what you should reward yourself with!

Have an awesome amazing week!

For additional insights, check out this article: http://www.dailyworth.com/posts/2995-9-tricks-to-stop-procrastination/1

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