Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 14th

"God gives everyone certain attributes, characteristics, talents, and then He says, "If you use what you have I'll increase it, but if you don't use it, you'll lose it." Use it or lose it; it's a law." -- Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

Over the last couple of weeks, this blog has been discussing procrastination.  When I read this quote on Sunday, I thought it fit in well.  

We have all been given attributes, characteristics and talents by God.  When we procrastinate, we are not using these qualities and we lose new opportunities and amazing experiences because we do not complete the immediate task set before us.  However when we accomplish the tasks in the moment, we grow and are preparing for the bigger dreams and goals we will accomplish in our lives. 


Enjoy a relaxing, beautiful picture of the ocean and have an AWESOME WEEK!


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