Friday, January 26, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 23, 2024

 Self-talk is the most powerful form of communication because it either empowers you or it defeats you. – – Wright Thurston

Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening. – Lisa M. Hayes

Congratulations!  The reader has made it to the 4th Tuesday of January and there are many more Tuesdays to come this year. Through the coming year, there will be many ups and downs and the author wants to discuss a powerful self-care habit that will be beneficial during frustrating times. 

When the author was in San Diego, California on vacation, she did not declare her daily positive affirmations over herself. During that time, her state of mind struggled and there were down times. Arriving back in Texas, the author returned to her daily routine and reengaged with her positive affirmations and her mindset changed. By repeating these affirmations over and over again, an individual is training their brain based on the positive statements being stated. According to, positive affirmations will improve one’s health and quality of life.

And to find a great time to declare these positive affirmations, read the TTTW blog from February 15, 2022 to find a unique, outside the box idea: Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week: Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 15, 2022. 

ACTION: If the reader already has a list of daily positive affirmations, review for updates based on 2024 goals and dreams. If the reader does not have a list of daily positive affirmations, create a list to help with self-care to train the brain to have a positive perspective.






·        Take Care - 3-Minute Reset | Pat Lencioni & Chris Stefanick -



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