Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 15, 2022

 Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box. – Deepak Chopra


If what you’ve done over the past 5 years hasn’t worked for you, then change what you’re doing or the next 5 years will be the same. - John Carlton, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Your Shit Together


A morning routine is something that should become like ordinary activities to be accomplished first thing in the morning and then the reader is prepared to take on the rest of the day.  As the author said, she is a morning person and is ready to go when she gets up.  However, many people are not the same.  Trying to accomplish the morning routine with handling family matters can be difficult and it is time to think outside the box to accomplish the morning routine.  Elrod would say to rise earlier to accomplish the morning routine and maybe that will work for some people.  Although, the author has another idea.  What does the reader do in the shower?  Strange question; however, that maybe 10 to 15 minutes that could be used to prepare for the day.

Previously, the author would listen to the news, podcast or a television show not to waste her time in the shower.  However, the author spent less than $5 and laminated her daily affirmations, taped them to her shower wall and reads them daily.  It is a little personal, but that is an additional 15 minutes the author can sleep in and still accomplish her daily routine. 

This week, take time to think outside the box of when the reader can work on their daily routine.  Maybe it will be in the shower, getting ready in the morning, on the drive to the office, riding public transportation, etc. 

A daily routine will be successful because the reader has determined they can do it and want to do it in the time they make available.   


Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision. - Tony Robbins

ACTION: Continue to create the daily routine.  Find times that are available to work on the daily tasks and not take time away from family, friends, etc.



·       https://www.ramseysolutions.com/personal-growth/how-to-create-your-perfect-schedule

·       https://www.life.church/media/pre-decide/the-power-of-consistency/

·       https://productivity95.com/gtd-masterclass%E2%80%95part-i/

·       https://productivity95.com/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done-really/#:~:text=What%20Gets%20Scheduled%20Gets%20Done%3A%20Really%3F%20You%20probably,by%20providing%20a%20mental%20landscape%20to%20your%20week

·       https://ideavisionaction.com/productivity/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done/

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/1854/podcast_show_notes/q-a-with-rory-vaden-procrastinate-on-purpose.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=125463594&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_bQw_pVdBrUnIy1HFAEIlXRyUH5LQ5wnluxeKmhjHkFQmWrc9cJPqRoR5gylvsyJswl6fXo-OWcrM4INTNlbRb_dDxFQ&utm_content=125463594&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/2029/podcast_show_notes/3-secrets-to-starting-new-habits-that-stick.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=201376837&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9LzcAPj0UR9oVQPIucCzF6h5rsn2HGA9yrLfsOzwQnLG86GhNZFQAN2hanludg-wyYQO4ClK7M13wpfgs7q6GJMjWSPw&utm_content=201376837&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://blog.vantagecircle.com/quotes-on-productivity/

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html

·       https://www.inc.com/jeff-steen/in-1-sentence-tony-robbins-reveals-how-to-avoid-mistake-that-dooms-so-many-leaders.html?cid=sf01002&fbclid=IwAR3m8uyljkheWRaBAzL04bgq0wAjRRPSrfeSdTdzFA8M5gZLDhKt3erJt7Q

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