Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 8, 2022

 On the one hand, we all want to be happy.  One the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy.  But we don’t do those things.  Why?  Simple.  We are too busy.  Too busy doing what?  Too busy trying to be happy. – Matthew Kelly


Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year--and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade! --Tony Robbins


Everyone has 168 hours in a week; however, more time is what most people say they need to accomplish their dreams.  We have to make the right decisions to have time to work on our dreams.  This not always easy because we all have priorities that come up that we have to handle.  As the author is currently single, she rarely deals with interruptions in the morning; although, during the winter storm of 2022 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, she spent time with her sister and her normal routine was disrupted.  Simple, unexpected things interrupted her daily routine and prohibited her from having time to work on her dreams and goals.  

What is the answer? 

What gets scheduled gets done. – Michael Hyatt

Planning allows the reader to accomplish dreams and helps reduce uncertainty.  Think about what it is like when the reader has an appointment with an important client, colleague, etc.  That is the top priority.  The reader arrives early, plans the night before to wear the appropriate attire, researches the person, etc.  When planning a day, the reader should do the exact same things they do when preparing for a meeting.  That time on the calendar is non-negotiable and is set aside to write, read, etc.  Nothing will distract the reader from that “appointment”.


The author will also tell the reader that he/she must hold themselves accountable for this to work.  At work, the author will place time on her calendar to complete tasks and then she is distracted by phone calls or emails.  It is not easy and the author often breaks this plan.  When distractions arise, the reader has to decide what is the priority…the task that arose from the boss or the task on the calendar.  Understanding priorities is vital for this to work. 


ACTION: Review your calendar.  Schedule time to accomplish your dreams and goals.  Determine how that will be your priority and you will not allow disruptions to distract you. 



·       https://www.life.church/media/pre-decide/the-power-of-consistency/

·       https://www.ramseysolutions.com/personal-growth/how-to-create-your-perfect-schedule

·       https://productivity95.com/gtd-masterclass%E2%80%95part-i/

·       https://productivity95.com/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done-really/#:~:text=What%20Gets%20Scheduled%20Gets%20Done%3A%20Really%3F%20You%20probably,by%20providing%20a%20mental%20landscape%20to%20your%20week

·       https://ideavisionaction.com/productivity/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done/

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/1854/podcast_show_notes/q-a-with-rory-vaden-procrastinate-on-purpose.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=125463594&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_bQw_pVdBrUnIy1HFAEIlXRyUH5LQ5wnluxeKmhjHkFQmWrc9cJPqRoR5gylvsyJswl6fXo-OWcrM4INTNlbRb_dDxFQ&utm_content=125463594&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/2029/podcast_show_notes/3-secrets-to-starting-new-habits-that-stick.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=201376837&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9LzcAPj0UR9oVQPIucCzF6h5rsn2HGA9yrLfsOzwQnLG86GhNZFQAN2hanludg-wyYQO4ClK7M13wpfgs7q6GJMjWSPw&utm_content=201376837&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://blog.vantagecircle.com/quotes-on-productivity/

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html


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