Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 1, 2022


These morning practices are what fuel me; keeping my routine is not about willpower. – Jenny Blake

Your first ritual that you do during the day is the highest leveraged ritual, by far, because it has the effect of setting your mind, and setting the context, for the rest of your day. – Eban Pagan

The author is a morning person.  She loves to wake up and get started on her day.  As she said last week, she learned that she can waste time in the mornings allowing too much time for “piddling” when she could go to bed later and wake up later in the morning.

Recently, the author read the book The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod where he discusses his miracle morning routine that helped him overcome 2 major setbacks in life and how he changed his situation through his miracle morning. Elrod’s Life S.A.V.E.R.S. miracle morning includes:


·       Silence

·       Affirmations

·       Visualization

·       Exercise

·       Reading

·       Scribing


Over the years, the author has done many of the same activities for her morning routine; however, the sequence has changed.  Each day including weekends, the author wakes up, works out while catching up on the latest news from the evening, completes her devotional and recites her positive affirmations and dreams.  On Monday morning, the author got up and was trying to quickly complete her devotional before going for her run.  Trying to rush through it, she decided she would change her routine to get her heart rating going during her run and then have her full attention on her daily devotional.  A simple change can have a major impact.


ACTION: This week, think about the activities or tasks that you want to accomplish daily.  Write it down and determine the sequence you will complete.  It will probably change, but having a plan and then changing it is better than not having a plan at all!



·       Elrod, Hal. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). Hal Elrod International, Inc. 2017.

·       https://www.ramseysolutions.com/personal-growth/how-to-create-your-perfect-schedule

·       https://workspace.digital/30-quotes-on-opportunity/

·       https://iamfearlesssoul.com/quotes-on-overcoming-fear/#:~:text=Take%20one%20step%20towards%20your%20goals%2C%20just%20one%2C,say%20to%20yourself%2C%20%E2%80%98I%20lived%20through%20this%20horror

·       https://productivity95.com/gtd-masterclass%E2%80%95part-i/

·       https://productivity95.com/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done-really/#:~:text=What%20Gets%20Scheduled%20Gets%20Done%3A%20Really%3F%20You%20probably,by%20providing%20a%20mental%20landscape%20to%20your%20week

·       https://ideavisionaction.com/productivity/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done/

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/1854/podcast_show_notes/q-a-with-rory-vaden-procrastinate-on-purpose.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=125463594&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_bQw_pVdBrUnIy1HFAEIlXRyUH5LQ5wnluxeKmhjHkFQmWrc9cJPqRoR5gylvsyJswl6fXo-OWcrM4INTNlbRb_dDxFQ&utm_content=125463594&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/2029/podcast_show_notes/3-secrets-to-starting-new-habits-that-stick.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=201376837&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9LzcAPj0UR9oVQPIucCzF6h5rsn2HGA9yrLfsOzwQnLG86GhNZFQAN2hanludg-wyYQO4ClK7M13wpfgs7q6GJMjWSPw&utm_content=201376837&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://blog.vantagecircle.com/quotes-on-productivity/

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html


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